This API function allows you to include/exclude a Clip into/from a Channel.
support, ws.webtv, api, clips, set_channel_inclusion, channel
GET vars specific to this request:
Var | Value | Description |
go | clips | The API section |
do | set_channel_inclusion | The API action |
iq | Clip ID | Clip ID |
Resulting Request URL:
The resulting request URL would be similar to this (don't forget to append the required info: key, timestamp, salt and signature):
https://....../api.php?go=clips&do=set_channel_inclusion&iq={clip_id}&{required information}
The following POST vars are required.
Var | Value | Description |
inclusion | (string) include | exclude | Whether to include or exclude the Clip into/from a Channel |
channel_ids | (string) Channel IDs | ID of one or more Channels (comma separated). NOTE: The Clip will be included/excluded into/from the active playlist of the Channels. |
If the request was successful, you'll receive a response containing:
• ok: If the Clip was included/excluded into/from the Channel(s).
{ "ok": "The operation was performed" }
If the request failed (for example, if the inclusion value is invalid), you'll receive a response like the following:
{ "error": "REQUEST_ERROR", "error_long": "Invalid inclusion" }
Possible Error Messages
Besides the general errors, this request can return the following errors:
• REQUEST_ERROR | Invalid Clip ID:
The Clip ID is not valid.
• CLIP_NOT_FOUND | It was not possible to find a Clip with the supplied ID:
The Clip was not found.
• REQUEST_ERROR | Invalid inclusion
The value of the inclusion field is not equal to "include" or "exclude" (or the data was not provided).
• REQUEST_ERROR | Channel IDs: not provided or invalid
You did not provide the Channel(s) ID(s) or the provided one(s) is/are not valid.
Preparing GET and POST data.
// The GET vars $GET_VARS = array( "go" => "clips", "do" => "set_channel_inclusion", "iq" => 700 ); // The POST vars $POST_VARS = array( "inclusion" => "include", "channel_ids" => "1,2,3" );
Generating the salt, timestamp, signature and sending the request
*** The following code block is common to all signed requests ***
// Collect the API Base URL and Credential info $API_URL = ""; $API_KEY_ID = "1b323a1cb879fd4e66530fbad07a32ee"; $API_SHARED_SECRET = "MWIzMjNhMWNiODc5ZmQ0ZTY2NTMwZmJhZDA3YTMyZWViOTQ3MDJiOGM2ZTU2NjE3"; // keep this safe!!! // Generating salt and timestamp $salt = md5(mt_rand()); $timestamp = time(); $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $salt.$timestamp, $API_SHARED_SECRET, true)); // Generating the validation signature // - Default method: using base64_encode(hash_hmac(...)) $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $salt.$timestamp, $API_SHARED_SECRET, true)); // comment this line if using the next method // - Simplified method - available since v60: using md5(). // This method requires the variable $API_SIGNATURE_GENERATION_MODE = 1; in the config/ file. // $signature = md5($salt."-".$timestamp."-".$API_SHARED_SECRET); // you must "uncomment" this line when using the simplified method // Append the timestamp, salt, key and signature to the GET vars $GET_VARS["timestamp"] = $timestamp; // UTC timestamp $GET_VARS["salt"] = $salt; $GET_VARS["key"] = $API_KEY_ID ; // The API Key ID: This is public and is used by the API to identify the application; $GET_VARS["signature"] = $signature; // Create the request URL. Please note that if you do not use PHP buit in function // to create the HTTP query then don't forget to URL encode the values $REQUEST_URL = $API_URL."?".http_build_query($GET_VARS); // The previous will build an URL like .../api.php?go=api_subject&do=api_action&etc... // Create a new cURL resource and set the appropriate options $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $REQUEST_URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $POST_VARS); // If your PHP host does not have a valid SSL certificate, you will need to turn off SSL // Certificate Verification. This is dangerous (!), and should only be done temporarily // until a valid certificate has been installed curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); // Turns off verification of the SSL certificate. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Turns off verification of the SSL certificate. // Sending the request to the API $response = curl_exec($ch); // Processing the response if (!$response) { echo 'API call failed'; } else { print_r(json_decode($response,true)); }
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