Creating/Editing Auto-Encoding Clips in WS.WebTV
support, ws.webtv, home, contents, clips, standard, create, edit
This kind of Clip, from a single video source file, will automatically generate the corresponding poster/thumbnail, video thumbnails (sprite), and will encode the different WebTV video qualities.
It is worth mentioning how the storage is handled for this kind of Clip:
Source file: When you upload a source file, it will be stored (and will remain) in the local uploads/movies folder, regardless of the video storage setting of the WebTV. This is because FFmpeg is executed locally and it needs to access the file (locally...).
Resulting, encoded, files: Once the source file is processed, the resulting, encoded files will be stored according to the video storage settings of the WebTV:
- If the video storage is set to "Local" the files will be store in uploads/movies folder.
- If the video storage is set to "External Server (FTP)" the files will be stored in the external server and removed from the local storage.
- If the video storage is set to "AWS (Amazon S3)" the files will be moved to the Amazon S3 bucket and removed from the local storage.
In any case, the source file will remain in the local storage (uploads/movies folder) in case you want to re-encode (or get the thumbnails) again in a future. Please note that once the encoding processes ended for a Clip, if you think you won't need to process the source file again, then you can delete it using the corresponding option in the Media tab.
In order to use this functionality, you need to enabled video encoding in the WebTV and make sure your server meets the requirements. Check the video configuration tutorial for more info.
By this time, you should be familiar on how to create and edit a Clip. If this is not the case, please check the "Clips: Create/Edit" tutorial before continue reading.
In the next steps we will focus on the main characteristic of this kind of Clip: the Media Tab.
To create an Auto-Encoding Clip...
Click on "New Clip..." button and select "Auto-Encoding".
The "Media" tab...
From this tab you will be able to upload and process the source video file..
Drag and Drop Tip:
If you are using recent versions of Chrome/Safari, Firefox or Opera, you can drag and drop your video file to the "Browse and Upload" button.
Warning: Do not use special characters in file names.
Use, preferably, letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9). Some characters like "-" and "_" can be used.
Once your video was uploaded, the page will reload and the processing options will appear.
- Versions prior to 1.6.1 required you to click on Save or Revert in order for the processing options to appear.
- Since WS.WebTV 1.7.5 it is possible to configure the WebTV to send the encoding tasks (using the processing options selected below) as soon as the source video file upload finished. More info here.
Select the desired processing options and click "Process Source File". The corresponding tasks will be added:
As you can see, you can check the progress of the tasks from from here; however, in order to manage all video processing tasks you must go to the "Encoding Task Manager" (only available to Admins).
Through this interface, you will be able to manage all video processing tasks.
• Refresh Page: Updates the page (similar to F5).
• Task Options: To perform several actions on processing tasks.
- Retry Failed Tasks: Set all failed tasks as "Pending", so they can be processed again.
- Clear Failed Tasks: Delete all tasks with "Failed" status.
- Clear Finished Tasks: Delete all tasks with "Finished" status.
- Clear Pending Tasks: Delete all tasks with "Pending" status.
• Start Processing (Manual): To force the system to start processing the encoding tasks, in case it has not been started automatically.
NOTE: Between task execution there is an - intentional- delay of 5 seconds.
• Pause Processing: Pauses the continuous task processing. Please note that in case there is any task being processed, it won't be interrupted; however, once it finishes, the system won't start processing the next "Pending" task. In order to resume the continuous processing, use the "Start Processing (Manual)" option.